Friday, February 20, 2009

Photo a Day #3

Today I actually managed to get around to my picture before the sunset. Well, I call it sunset. The sun doesn't actually set around here, the clouds just stop being bright. It was freezing and windy all day, and I have a cold coming. I need to be rested for tomorrow, so today was much less stimulating than yesterday. We went grocery shopping, visited a coffee house, and I blew my nose about a thousand times. It's all good though. I'd rather have a cold in New York than a heat stroke in Texas.

We found a cool video store today. Rentals are only 2.25, which is cheaper than Austin. The catch is that you can only keep them for one day, and late fees are steep. The first video store I walked into had a Bergman section though, which is pretty cool. I also found out that Film Forum is doing a retrospective of... '30s comedies? As far as I can tell. It looks delightful. They have a double feature coming up which includes Bette Davis' first appearance. I don't know too much about her, but the radio makes much of her eyes.

Tomorrow's the test. I'm stoked. I'm terrified that I won't make it on time. It's all mapped out, but I can't repress a million manic what ifs.

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