I think we all were surprised and appalled about that. But, as James Joyce says, Bisons is Bisons. Here's a new picture.

I think the yellow is our neighbor across the way. The red might be a reflection. The black is certainly the night, and the white is the camera's flash. I'm usually opposed to flash, but I think I might be coming around to it. This is the first heavily manipulated photo I've done. It's not all that bad, just the curves looked pretty loopy. I'm getting more of a feel for how to work with photoshop to bring out the qualities I like in the pictures.
Anyhow, cheers from Brooklyn.
p.s. This one looks a little better in
full resolution.
Great blog. Although not posted on my blog, I dabble in the more artistic aspects of photography myself.
If I use my imagination (like PBS trained me to) I can see a cosmic structure similar to what John Harris would paint in space. Heavy on the paint daubs. ;)