I like the color in this picture. Today I got a decent amount done: 13 pages on the screenplay, and a walk cycle on an animation. Gabe and I also had a painting night. It was neat, Gabe was doing this cool blue and red fire thing, and I painted a beer bottle in brown and red. Then we both drew a space slug together, out of the remnants of my first attempt at the bottle.
I can't take this anymore. I've tried to be nice about it and lord knows I've been patient, but this has gone on long enough. WHAT THE HELL IS THE STORY WITH THAT CHEESE YOU BOUGHT! I come back day after day for cheese updates and there are never any. I even tried to play it cool and leave comments that weren't cheese related, but you saw right through those and vindictively avoided any discussion on the cheese front. Do you get some sort of sick thrill from this cheese torture? WHERE DOES THIS CRUELTY COME FROM?!