Well, I almost gave up on putting up a photo today. But then I said no! It must happen! So here's a picture of the burrito I had for lunch. It was, as you might expect from the picture, delicious.
I want to blame yesterday on the low battery my camera had, but that's really no excuse. There's a local bookstore here called "The Strand", which claims to have 18 miles of books. They have a "photograph the strand" contest going on right now which I think I might enter. You'll see my pictures at least, even if no one else does. I bet it'll be hard getting a unique shot in a place with so many obviously cool ones. We'll see.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
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Fella, I don't mean to harp on about this, but did you put any of that cheese you bought on that burrito? Boy I tell you, that burrito looks delicious but if you put some of that cheese you bought on it I can't imagine anything ever tasting as good. I'm sitting here picturing you eating that burrito with that cheese and I'm absolutely floored. FLOORED!
ReplyDeleteIt's 8am. I'm in the PCL. I'm working on a paper(sort of). I wish I had that burrito so bad right now.